Hey there!

I’m Annie, a personal trainer with a passion for making fitness fun and personalized. I've been into sports and staying active since forever, and my fitness journey took an exciting turn after meeting my husband on a military assignment. We kicked off our joint workout sessions, but when he got deployed again, I found solace and strength in exercise. Fitness became my sanctuary, not just physically, but mentally too.

Six months down the road, I was hooked and found myself on the coaching side of things. Personal training quickly stole my heart because it allows me to be the cheerleader, guide, and supporter as my clients conquer their unique fitness goals.

When I'm not in the gym cheering you on, you can find me soaking up the good vibes in Saint Rose with my amazing husband and our lively squad of five furballs – yup, we're a pack! Beyond the gym, you can find me embracing the great outdoors, going for a run, diving into science fiction and fantasy reads, whipping up some magic in the kitchen, or in Saint Louis at a Blues, Cards, or CITY game!

I can’t wait to meet you and make your fitness journey as awesome as mine has been!